MightyTips arbeitet mit Jevgenijs „The Hurricane“ Aleksejevs zusammen

Konrad Hartmann

Konrad Hartmann

MightyTips arbeitet mit Jevgenijs The Hurricane Aleksejevs zusammen

Wir freuen uns, die Aufnahme des gefeierten Boxers Jevgenijs “The Hurricane” Aleksejevs in unser Markenbotschafter-Team bekannt zu geben!

Jevgenijs Aleksejevs hält in seiner bisherigen Profikarriere eine beeindruckende ungeschlagene Bilanz von 15:0. Er ist sehr stark und blitzschnell — darum trägt er auch diesen wohlverdienten Spitznamen.

Unser Ziel bei MightyTips ist es, den Sportlern, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten, zu beispiellosem Erfolg zu verhelfen. Wir glauben, dass„The Hurricane" dank unserer Zusammenarbeit neue Gegner besiegen und seine außergewöhnliche Bilanz aufrechterhalten können wird. Es ist eine absolute Win-Win-Situation für MightyTips — denn dies ist die Anlaufstelle für die besten Sportwetten-Websites und -Apps mit den besten Boni.

Der Hurrikan – Eine Reise voller Kampf und Widerstandsfähigkeit

The Hurricane – A journey full of struggle and resilience

The Hurricane was born on July 6, 1993 in Latvia and is a serious opponent. His battles in kickboxing and boxing have left an indelible mark. In professional boxing he has an impressive record of 15 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses! Now he wants to take his career to the next level.

Wie hat die Karriere des Hurrikans begonnen?

The Hurricane was interested in martial arts from early childhood. At the age of six he was already exchanging blows with his opponents, but at that time with his feet, not his hands. His love for organized fighting began when his father introduced him to the discipline of Taekwondo. The hours of training and dedication paid off when he earned a black belt and became a multiple champion of Latvia, the Baltic States and Europe.

A turning point came when The Hurricane shifted his focus to kickboxing, in which he quickly made significant progress. At the age of 13, he began competing under the official kickboxing rules . He fought seven fights in a single day and became world kickboxing champion in Italy. At the age of 15, he was European champion, cementing his place among the elite of his age group.

Biography of Jevgenijs Aleksejev

Nevertheless, everything didn't always go perfectly. In 2015, The Hurricane broke his leg within the first 17 seconds of his first fight at the KOC World Championship Fight Show. This injury threatened to bring an abrupt end to his promising career. He was in the hospital for almost a year, but the boy didn't give up.

A crucial conversation with his coach solidified his decision to focus on boxing, as this classic sport resonated with him. He was in close contact with Mairis Briedis, the Latvian star and three-time cruiserweight world champion. The Hurricane also participated in numerous sparring sessions that further developed his skills and fueled his meteoric rise in the sport.

Jevgenijs Aleksejevs has only fought in his hometown of Riga so far and has prevailed against many experienced professionals. The last famous athlete he fought against was Pavel Semyonov. Other opponents The Hurricane has defeated include Estonian Deniss Kormilin in a devastating knockout victory, Belarusian and former WBA interim middleweight title contender Sergey Khomitsky and Serbian Slobodan “El Coyote” Culum.

Our hero — The Hurricane — boasts a 53.85% knockout record and takes an orthodox stance in the ring. He is relatively tall for a middleweight fighter, which gives him a slight reach advantage over his opponents. That's why it's easy for him to outdo his opponents.

Im Oktober 2023 ging The Hurricane in ein Boxcamp in Benidorm, Spanien, um sich einem Training zu unterziehen, das seine Fähigkeiten noch weiter verbessern sollte. Während seiner Zeit im Camp konnte The Hurricane mit Liam Williams trainieren - einem der besten Boxer der Welt in seiner Gewichtsklasse.

Weitere Kampfnachrichten folgen demnächst!

While his story serves as proof that resilience and pursuing your passion is worth it, it will also be fascinating to follow The Hurricane's career - and we hope it goes from strength to strength as he works with MightyTips.

Follow boxer @ealekseev on Instagram and YouTube  for the latest updates on his career. For business inquiries contact his manager at maria.gritsak@mightytips.com.

How did the hurricane's career begin?

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Vorherige und zukünftige Kämpfe von The Hurricane

Jevgenijs Aleksejevs Box-pro 14 bouts
Datum Gegner Ort Ergebnis
2023-12-22  Nicolas David Veron 
Pabellon Municipal Sedavi, Valencia, Spanien Sieg (punkte: 60-53/ 60-53/ 60-54)
2023-08-05 Dimitri Trenel (Frankreich) Hotel Holyday World, Benalmadena, Spanien Geplantes Duell
2021-10-16 Pavel Semjonov (Estland) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (punkte: 80-72/ 77-75/ 78-74)
2020-08-29 Deniss Kormilin (Estland) Studio 69, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 2:29 into the fight)
2019-06-15 Siarhei Khamitski (Weißrussland) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (punkte: 58-57/ 57-58/ 58-57)
2018-10-06 Przemyslaw Gorgon (Polen) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (punkte: 58-56/ 58-56/ 60-55)
2018-05-12 Gabriel Lecrosnier (Frankreich) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (punkte: 58-56/ 60-54/ 60-54)
2018-01-27 Maurice Possiti (Frankreich) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (punkte: 56-58/ 58-56/ 58-56)
2017-11-11 Slobodan Culum (Serbien) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 1:18 into the fight)
2017-09-30 Andrey Chentsov (Russland) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 2:13 into the fight)
2017-04-22 Valerijs Mikalausks (Lettland) Olympic Sports Centre, Riga, Lettland Sieg (punkte: 59-56/ 59-57/ 58-57)
2016-05-14 Jurijs Kozlovs (Lettland) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 1:50 into the fight)
2016-02-21 Nikita Mateuss (Lettland) Arena Riga, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 1:03 into the fight)
2014-04-01 Dmitrijs Savenko (Lettland) Club Rigas Rings, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 1:56 into the fight)
2013-09-28 Mareks Kovalevskis (Lettland) Club Rigas Rings, Riga, Lettland Sieg (KO: 1:46 into the fight)